
Monday, April 1, 2013

Vogue Fashion Princess Hot Fierceness

 Lately, I've been getting a lot of questions on how I get such awesome fashion photos and I thought I'd dedicate a whole post in order to give you my expertise. Since I am the greatest fashion blogger of all time, I thought I would bless your day and share a few of my simple tips/tricks with you.

I have always said, "Dress how you feel." I also suggest posing how you feel. Get really into character.

Shoooting outside during a really sunny day can be tricky. As you can see, it is very hard to relax your face and look normal.
See... I'm not really feeling it here either.
So remember to bring your sunglasses with you to wherever you may shoot. This way you can tell the sun, "BRING IT!!!"

Like in any other professional work situation, you must learn to work with your crew members in a professional manner and since you are the blogger,(the most important voice, I mean, the only voice.) don't be afraid to tell people what is on your mind.
Personally, I like to scream and threaten my photographer for at least 3 minutes before we even start shooting. I believe this inspires a productive work environment.

 I'm a busy fashion blogger, I have a lot of online shopping to do and so will you if you decide to be a world class fashionista like me. Therefore you won't have time fix the lighting on your photos. Let the reader(s) just deal with the bad quality. They'll still love you and your post, regardless of how visually unappealing they are.
Seriously, just upload any dumb photo of your dirty shoes.
If you want more readers, a great trick is to be provocative or scandalous. If you are not willing to get naked then try placing your clutch by your crotch. Bringing more attention to that area of your body will surely bring in more readers. Now all you have to do is post and wait for all of your comments.

But no matter what people say,
 just remember that you are a goddess!!




  1. This is such sound advice. I shall take it to heart and put it up on my wall as my inspiration!!!! :)

    Hehe. Love you Jess!
